April 18

I woke up this morning in a fog. The clouds had desended around us and rain was still sputtering around my tent. We packed up and headed out looking for water. There was supposed to have been a spring near us but we could not locate it. We pressed on for three miles to the next water source and there we stopped for our breakfast.

The weather forecast is calling for some nasty storms tonight with dangerous high winds. We have stopped early so that we can weather the storm in a shelter instead of our tents. Our location is Cold Spring Shelter at mile 125.6. The result has been a restful evening with plenty of time to cook supper and visit before bedtime. For those who don't know, a shelter is simply a three sided log lean to with a platform floor to spread out sleeping bags. Tonight's structure is small with only room for four or five bags.

It's now 7:30 pm. Highlander and Johnny Walker are rolled up for the night. We are sharing the shelter with Chief, a young guy just out of high school who is taking a year off to hike and do some other things before he heads into college. An Eagle Scout, he did his Eagle project working with a disability ministry in his home town. Small world.

It feels strange to be so removed from everyone and everything. I wonder about people I love and events that I know are going on. I have missed the Special Olympics this week, something I have enjoyed doing for years. It's always a great outting with my Civitan Club friends, handing out the medals in the awards circle. It's also been a great way each year to interact with the residents of Riverwood as they compete. I hope the weather was fine and I know that everyone came out a big winner.

The wind is picking up and the storm is rumbling closer. I pray for all the hikers out in tents tonight or still on the trail.
My place in the shelter.

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