April 19

It's almost 8am and I'm still in my bag! The strong cold front that was to come last night is just now moving in. Our plan is to wait here to let the dangerous winds pass and then hike on later in the day. It is frustrating because I am begining to feel that push to get home to visit. Last night I found we are in range to get local Knoxville radio. I shouldn't have listened because it only increased the homesickness.

Ok, it's now 6:30pm. The day started out windy and wet and never really changed. We started out a little before 11 am. At least an inch of rain had fallen, but we were confident the worst was passed and were eager to get going. What followed was the worst day I have experienced yet.

The rain was intense and steady. The trail was a river, and where there was not standing water there was soft worked up mud. The greatest challenge, however, was that my glasses fogged up constantly so that at best I could only see right in front of me for my next step.

We struggled along through the constant storm. My companions were very kind to adjust to my slower speed. By 3:00 pm we had come a little over 5 miles and had just finished a long climb. Our goal for the day was still about 5 more miles. The decision was made to stop for the night, try to recover from the rain damage to our gear, and set out again early in the morning. That keeps us on our original schedule, but we were hoping to pick some extra miles.

Tonight there is a freeze warning out for elevations above 3,500 feet. We are certainly beyond that and are preparing for a cold night. It's so exciting to be moving closer to home. Every day, every mile, every step is one step closer to people I love.

Goodnight Lilly Goosefarmer, wherever you are!
10/12/2013 03:58:04 am

Silent gratitude isn't much use to anyone.


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