March 11,2013
I'm in my bag at the close of day one of a four day shake down hike.  Nothing has been easy about the day except that I have loved it. The trail wore me out two miles before it ended. We came through snow, gusty winds, and driving rain. I found myself facing three tenths of a mile of steep, muddy climb that stood between me and the dry shelter.  I knew I would make it, but I wasn't sure just how!

Now, after a warm fire, hot beverage, and a lot of good conversation, I feel great.  It's cold, and I'm sure it will be a long might.  On the other hand, I feel rested and together.

My two companions for the shake down are Wildcat and Estes, both experienced backpackers who are teaching me a lot already.  I couldn't have come with two better teachers.

Time for lights out.  I'm sleeping with my shoes tonight to keep them from freezing. There are ten others in the shelter, so I'm sure the roof will rattle tonight!

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