I amazes me how much my world has already changed.  I woke up this morning to a bedroom scattered with gear for the trail.  Lightweight long johns lay across the trunk at the foot of the bed. Next to them was a water filter kit, hiking shorts, maps, and trail guides.  I stepped over hiking boots and socks as I stumbled out of bed.  When my eyes focused at last, I found myself staring at a stranger in the mirror with 6 days of bearded growth covering most of his face.  Scary!

One month from today, Susan will drop me off at the top of Springer Mountain, in Georgia, to begin my hike northward.  There is so much that has to be done before that takes place. I am feeling the pressure, but enjoying the challenge.  I am carrying a long list of things needed just to set my house in order for the next six months.  There are taxes to be done, a lawn mower to service and repair, lists of bills and payment arranged,   There are commitments at my church to complete, friends to see and contact, and local activities to still be a part of.  On top of all that, there is the hike to prepare for.  I am working on gear inventory, food lists, mail package drops, and daily hike planning. Most of all, I am trying to hike.  The best way to prepare for a long backpacking trip is to spend time carrying the pack.  I'm loving it!

Above and beyond all the preparation, however, is the precious time that I have to cherish the people around me.  This past week I had a great time serving with my Civitan club at the Special Olympics Basketball Event in the Knoxville area.  We are blessed with the job of handing out the trophies at the each event.  Every Sunday I have left to spend with my weekend church family is special.  Susan and I even found the time to enjoy a wonderful date night this week. I'm going to miss her most of all.

With each passing day, however, the urge to make this journey becomes stronger.  I am passionate about the cause and excited about the doors of blessing that this hike will bring to other families around the country.  I have no idea how well I will do or how far I will be able to travel, but I know that I must start.    In one month from today, I will do just that.

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