April 17

This morning I said goodbye to Franklin, NC, and jumped aboard Ronnie Haven's famous shuttle to be dropped where I had left off, Winding Stair Gap. I headed north on the AT and immediately enjoyed two beautiful waterfalls and stream crossings. Some hikers had camped at the second crossing and waved with sleepy smiles as we hiked through.

Spread across the trail this morning was our first snake. We were unsure as to what kind of snake he was, but he was very sure he didn't want to move for us, so we carefully stepped over him and went on.

The highlight of the day was our very first bald, Silers Bald. A bald is simply a large cleared grassy area found on the top of a mountain. No one is really sure why or how they are there. Some think that perhaps Indians used these areas to grow crops. Some think the soil will not support trees. I did hear someone suggest that perhaps people sneak out at night and pull up any young trees before they get a chance to grow!

The reality is that after a hard climb through the deep woods you suddenly step out onto this wide open green grassy field. Johnny, Highlander, and I ended up stretched out on the grass watching the clouds roll by over us.

After we finished there we hiked another 4 miles or so toward Wayah Bald, where we now lay in our tents in the rain at about 5,300 feet above sea level. Our camp tonight is literally in the clouds! Storms rolled in on us this afternoon and we spent the last hours hiking in the rain. There is nothing to do, so I have been curled up in my sleeping bag since 6pm staying warm and dozing between storms. My little tent seems to hold in the wind, so I just hope this blows over and clears before morning.

Laying here gives me lots of time to think about what I'm doing and why. I hope that this hike is helping people to grow aware of the massive unreached people group right in our own community, the disabled and special needs people and their families. I hope that somehow what I am doing will open doors of opportunity to them. It would make every hard step of this trip worthwhile.

Well, goodnight to all. The days ahead pass through some rugged and high mountains and some deep remote Valleys. I have little hope of having any phone contact or resupply for a number of days so will just move ahead holding my thoughts in my heart. I hope that all of us are Blazing New Trails in some way this summer.
Breaking camp.
Lesia Criswell
4/24/2013 10:18:41 am

Hi Roy:

Just finished catching up on your blog. Certainly sounds like you are having a life changing experience and carrying out a great mission at the same time. I am envious of the views I can picture in my mind of the mountain scenes you are seeing. I love our mountains. I thank God for seeing them every morning on my way to work. God Bless and I will share with you a verse I enjoy: Pslam 145:13 "The Lord is faithful to all his promises and loving toward all he has made"

Ed Hess
4/26/2013 08:22:30 pm

Roy, thank you for the blog. I can imagine the surroundings as you describe them. You are probably having some chilly mornings as it is 35 degrees here this morning. Stay warm and keep on blogging for those of us who would like to be there but don't have the courage!


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